Number Data
Nearly one in five residents of the tri-county region report using opiates or opioids in the past year, and approximately half of residents say their life has been negatively affected by substance abuse.
(WNCHN – WNC Healthy Impact Community Health Survey, 2018)
The tri-county region has among the highest volume of opioid pills dispensed per person in the state.
In 2016, 105.1 opioid pills were dispensed per person in the tri-county region; this is 37 percent higher than the statewide opioid dispensing rate.
(Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Opioid Overdose, U.S. Opioid Prescribing Rate Maps, 2018)
In 2016 alone, total costs related to drug-related deaths in the tri-county region were $15,273,204.
(NC DHHS, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, County Overdose Slides, 2017)Hepatitis C due to injected opiates has increased 900% statewide between 2007 and 2016, with the highest rates of increase in the western counties.
(NC DHHS, Epidemiology, Communicable Disease, Hepatitis C, 2016)Department of Social Services staff in all three counties say that substance use is a factor in the vast majority of cases in which a child is removed from a home and placed in foster care.
(AMCHC, 2019)
To learn more about substance misuse in Western North Carolina, visit: